10 Least Authoritative WWE Authority Figures

4. Brad Maddox

You know when some people just hang around like a bad smell? That's essentially how to sum up Brad Maddox. He came in as Assistant Raw Managing Supervisor to Vickie Guerrero after a spell as a WWE referee, doing favours for Paul Heyman and CM Punk as the now UFC star reigned with the WWE Championship. He begged for a contract on TV, but eventually found himself as a chief backstage presence. When Guerrero was fired from her role on Raw, Maddox tried with all his might to step up to the plate. But Maddox never particularly had that air of authority about him. For most of his time as Raw General Manager he was stuck in the middle of the decision making between Vince McMahon and Triple H, effectively rendering his presence useless. Maddox though was always a little soft spoken, too weak and unfunny. He was never right for the role, and in the end he merely became an experiment that just didn't work out.
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Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.