10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Just Couldn't Face Retirement

10. Sabu

By all rights, Sabu should be in a wheelchair, getting pushed around gingerly as he recants stories of days gone by to anyone who might listen. Instead, the man once dubbed as "Homicidal, Suicidal and Genocidal" is still putting his body through hell on independent shows all around the world. In fairness to the guy, he can still do a lot of the crazy stunts he used to, just at a slower pace. It's mind-boggling to watch as Sabu throws himself through the air with reckless abandon, all for the enjoyment of an audience that grew up watching him, wincing along with the man himself when he lands with a brutal thud through a table, or onto a steel chair. Quite how Terry Brunk is still able to walk is baffling, but the character of Sabu rolls on even today. It's questionable whether or not the punishment is still worth it, playing before diminishing returns, both financial and from fans of the wrestling industry. It can only be surmised that Sabu can't pack it in, wrestling is his thing, and he'll do it until he physically can't.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.