10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Just Couldn't Face Retirement

9. Hulk Hogan

In 1993, Hulk Hogan rode off into the sunset, seemingly set free from the WWF, a company he'd helped Vince McMahon build from a regional promotion into a global juggernaut. Fans were told that Hogan was leaving the ring to launch a film career, something which wouldn't prove quite as lucrative for Terry Bollea as wrestling had. Perhaps for those reasons, Hogan found himself signed to WCW in 1994, returning to wrestling full time, where he's been pretty much ever since. It was quite the sad sight to see a broken down Hulkster wobble around the ring for TNA several years ago, and much like Sabu, questions must be posed on whether or not it's all worth it. His knees are shot, his back is worn down, and he isn't getting any younger, yet Hulk Hogan continually talks about getting into the ring "just one last time, brother". Rumours persist that he'd love one more match in WWE, but surely not - if ever there was a time to say that enough is enough, it's with Hogan, but don't try telling the man himself that.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.