10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Just Couldn't Face Retirement

7. The Dynamite Kid

Even during his prime, there was one thing that Andre The Giant was not, and that was a rapid-fire, high-flying wrestler. Enter The Dynamite Kid, a man who proved so utterly revolutionary to the wrestling business that the impact of his dynamic style is still being felt on the industry decades later. Performers such as Chris Benoit and Davey Richards clearly styled themselves after Tom Billington, who would find that his punishing in-ring performances and heavy bumping style would come back to haunt him. Now confined to a wheelchair, Dynamite is paying the price for the pain he inflicted on his body. In his autobiography, Bret Hart notes that Dynamite had a terrible time accepting his fate, wrestling through intense discomfort and excruciating pain, just to show everyone he could. Eventually, something had to give, and it was the man's back, leaving him unable to walk.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.