10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Just Couldn't Face Retirement

6. Mae Young

The wrestling business may never see a woman like Mae Young ever again. Passing away only last year, Young was an active competitor right up until her death, telling close friends that she'd love to wrestle when she turned 100 years old. Sadly, this iron lady wouldn't make it to the century, passing away at 90 years of age. Incredibly, even though she'd been wrestling since the 1930's, Mae Young looked relatively fit (given her advanced years) whenever she did appear on WWE programming. Of course, she wasn't very quick on her feet, and was limited, but it's incredible to think that she was so willing to keep bumping well into her 80's. Retirement didn't come calling for Mae, it knew better. This tough old woman would have sent it back pedaling in the direction from whence it came, and she's a true credit to her profession. Just, forget that hand thing with Mark Henry ever happened.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.