10 Legendary Wrestlers Who Just Couldn't Face Retirement

3. Mick Foley

Technically, in the year 2000, Mick Foley did retire, but it didn't last very long. Losing out to Triple H in a vicious Hell In A Cell match at No Way Out in February of that year, it appears Foley did actually have every intention of hanging up his boots. Returning to take part in the main event of Wrestlemania less than 2 months later, Mick has wrestled sporadically since that date. The go to example of somebody who has put their body through it all for wrestling, Foley has actually raised the ire of more than one ex-wrestler and peer, who feel the man is a "glorified stuntman" (Paul Roma), who has only raised the bar too high for other workers and bumped so recklessly because he 'isn't a wrestler' (Ric Flair). Since his "retirement", Foley has admittedly featured in some great bouts, most memorably against Randy Orton at Backlash 2004, and Edge at Wrestlemania 22, but then there's that run in TNA, which yielded less-than-impressive results. If any performer did to their body what Foley has done, they'd be luck to still have bodily functions. The fact that Mick is upbeat, happy, mobile and - relatively - pain free is astonishing. In respect to the man, he has admitted himself that he found it hard to walk away, especially when the chance to be creative and weave an interesting story would arise.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.