10 Most Legendary Wrestling Commentators Of All Time

4. Jerry "The King" Lawler

Well before the character of Jerry "The King" Lawler was watered down into what he is now, he was one of the greatest color commentators of all time. He was an easy heel to despise, with his obnoxious laugh and pushing the envelope of common decency. His feud with Bret Hart in 1995 was unique, in that Lawler would savage the Hitman on commentary, along with the entire Hart family. Lawler had the ability to make you utterly hate him, yet he was so hilarious when he did it, that you also loved him. When Lawler was portraying the purely evil King of Memphis character, he was always on fire. In the booth, he would completely break down what you expect any commentator to say, often followed by his patented cackle. He still manages to bust out a few moments of hilarity these days, even continuing to use his shrill shriek to elicit some sense of fear in the ongoing match. But nothing can ever top his time as the most evil jerk in the WWE during the 1990's, and to think that he was doing all of this while in the announcing booth just makes it even more incredible.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.