10 Most Legendary Wrestling Commentators Of All Time

5. Paul Heyman

Even before his client, Brock Lesnar, conquered the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania 30, Paul Heyman was a legend from the start. He was the first to see anything within Stone Cold Steve Austin, hiring him after he was terminated from WCW and helped a group of misfits in ECW become superstars. Heyman has perhaps the most gifted mind in all of pro wrestling, and he used that to his advantage when he joined Jim Ross on the Raw broadcast team in 2001. His sharp and deadly silver tongue made him an outstanding contrast to the more traditional heroic favor of JR. Together, they formed what is perhaps the most underrated commentary team of all time. Heyman is incredible at portraying this darker shade of his own personality; a devious and cunning snake that speaks in sheer madness. Heyman has the unique gift of gab, and almost seems to be possessed by something much deeper than we all could ever know. Heyman's time as a color commentator was nothing short of magnificent, planting him firmly in the middle of the Invasion storyline and cementing his time at the announce booth.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.