10 Legends Who Never Held Gold In WWE

8. €œMr. Wonderful€ Paul Orndorff

€œMr. Wonderful€ debuted with the World Wrestling Federation on January 23, 1984 at Madison Square Garden. This was the same night that saw the birth of Hulkamania, with Hulk Hogan defeating the Iron Sheik for the WWF Championship. From that night forward, Orndorff€™s career would be closely intertwined with that of Hulk Hogan. Orndorff was initially managed by €œRowdy€ Roddy Piper, who later began competing alongside €œMr. Wonderful€. These two competitors headlined the first WrestleMania against Hogan and his partner, Mr. T. The dastardly pair of Piper and Orndorff was unsuccessful in defeating the mega-popular Hogan and Mr. T combination. Later, Orndorff would turn face and frequently aided Hulk Hogan. This babyface run wouldn€™t last long, however, as €œMr. Wonderful€ double-crossed Hogan, setting up another feud between them. The two superstars met in a series of encounters, none of which featured a clear or clean victor. It was then decided that Orndorff would meet Hogan inside a steel cage during an episode of Saturday Night€™s Main Event. That€™s when €œMr. Wonderful€ came closer than anyone to dethroning the reign of the Hulkster. At the end of the contest, both men scaled the cage and began to climb down. Suddenly, both men jumped and simultaneously hit the floor. The footage was reviewed and the match was determined to be a draw. The contest was then restarted, as a winner had to be determined. Hogan quickly took it to Orndorff, hitting him with the Atomic Leg Drop and leaving the cage, championship in tow.
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Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.