10 Legitimate Fighters Who Competed In WWE

8. Butterbean

Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather - WrestleMania 24

Winning the first (and, it's probably fair to assume, only) WWE Brawl For All looked, on paper, like the kind of achievement that could perhaps have helped elevate Bart Gunn to heights he had only ever dreamed about.

But company officials - who apparently planned to use the tournament as a springboard for Steve Williams - had very different ideas.

Instead of giving the winner a push for the main event, they rewarded him with a WrestleMania XV shootfight against Butterbean, a legitimate heavyweight boxer who - well, who was called Butterbean. Suffice it to say, this didn't end well for Gunn, who was knocked out after about 30 seconds.

Thankfully for all involved, WWE's sudden urge to put on real fighting instead of the make-believe stuff in which they traditionally trade turned out to be little more than a passing fad. Butterbean, impressive though he was, hasn't been invited back since.
