10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From The First Brand Extension

6. Use The Whole Roster

Ric Flair Vince Mcmahon 2002
The advantage of the brand extension is that it'll free up more television time for the undercard to have opportunities on the main show. That was one thing that the first brand extension, even with exclusive rosters, didn't take enough advantage of.

Many undercard wrestlers never made it off of Sunday Night Heat or Velocity. There was even a running joke that Raven couldn't wrestle on Raw by stipulation, and Steve Richards called himself the General Manager of "Stevie" Night Heat.

This time around, especially with Raw being three hours with only half a roster, WWE would be wise to take advantage of the full roster, having storylines involving all talent. It'll keep things fresh.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.