10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From The First Brand Extension

5. Draft Full Tag Teams

Ric Flair Vince Mcmahon 2002
At the first brand extension draft, WWE broke up The Dudley Boyz and The APA, and by the end of the year, the Dudleys were back, and by the summer of 2003, the APA were back together. In fact, breaking up tag teams by having one member on one show and the other member on the other show has rarely ever worked. The only time a tag team breakup by draft ever worked was when John Morrison and The Miz were broken up by the draft in 2009.

This time around, WWE should just have tag teams drafted as a collective unit. There's no point in breaking up teams like The New Day just to break them up because of the draft. And it's way too soon to break up Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson after they just debuted.

Sometimes guys are just meant to be tag team wrestlers. WWE should not even worry about people being drafted to the same show and should just draft the tag teams as collectives.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.