10 Lessons WWE Can Learn From UFC

6. Making Tough Enough More Like The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter tv ratings are hardly that hot these days, while WWE's new Tough Enough show debuted with a similar audience size. However, one big difference between the two reality shows, is that TUF is way more credible. It is also just plain better, getting the fighters over and even enhancing the reputation of the coaches. It also plays into the overall UFC business performance, for example just look at the TUF series with Rousey and Tate as coaches. It greatly enhanced their feud and was prime advertising for their massive pay per view match. WWE missed a trick by not using Tough Enough as such a vehicle. Why not have competing coaches like TUF does, they could have had say Dean Ambrose training one set of guys and Sheamus training another set. Throughout the show, the two coaches get more and more competitive, resulting in a big match on a special at the end of the series. It would have gave Ambrose and Sheamus something far more engaging than their current booking, and it would have provided a compelling reason to tune in to Tough Enough.
WWE Writer

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