10 Lessons WWE Could Learn From Their Own History

6. Competition Breeds Success

vince mcmahon

When WWE began to embrace independent wrestling, fans were naturally delighted. Suddenly, Samoa Joe and AJ Styles being on Raw didn’t seem that crazy. It was an actual possibility, and our favourite wrestlers were given a chance to shine.

A few years down the line and shine those stars did. Not only have Joe and Styles made their way to New York but they’ve been joined by the best of the best. Chris Hero, Roderick Strong, KENTA, Nakamura, and Austin Aries are all active parts of WWE’s roster. On top of that, they've highlighted the UK scene with a tournament and a belt and given a whole bunch of cruiserweights the chance to strut their stuff. On the surface, it’s great.

That is until you dive into history and remember the first stage of Vince McMahon’s dismantling of the territories. Back then, Vince began highlighting the talent on his show before slowly stealing them all away. Sound familiar?

What makes it worse is that history shows that when left with no competition, WWE stagnates rather than flourishes. When Vince McMahon is at his best, he is being challenged. Surely the best thing for everyone is to allow these companies to do that?

Most of these companies aren't even real competition for WWE. They aren't on the level WWE are and are tiny fish swimming alongside the Great White. So, before Vince and co strip them of everything that makes them great, maybe they need to question whether it’s worth it.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83