10 Lessons WWE Could Learn From Their Own History

5. Hold Back On The Stars

vince mcmahon

There was a time in WWE’s history when a sighting of Hulk Hogan or Andre the Giant was a treat. They didn’t do every show, and because of that, it felt like a real event when they turned up.

In contrast, some of the three-hour editions of Raw can see stars appear three or four times on the one show. It’s not out of the realms of possibility for Roman Reigns to open Raw with a promo, appear in a backstage segment half way through, and then wrestle the main event. It’s no surprise that fans are fed up with him.

This is made all the worse when you are trying to push a guy like Roman. When he was at his best, he was the silent badass in The Shield, standing in the background before delivering the killer line. He was used sparingly and (although some of them have forgotten it now) fans loved him because of it.

Three hours is a long time to fill so you can understand why WWE wants to use their stars more than once. However, for the Roman Reigns of the world, it does them no favours. His face is already plastered across WWE’s advertising and fans are quite frankly sick of him. Turning him into a unique attraction might not transform him into a mega face, but it could quieten some of those boos.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83