10 Lessons WWE Must Learn From WrestleMania 32

1. Keeping In Touch With The Fanbase

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The biggest lesson WWE must take from WrestleMania 32, is that they need to be in greater touch with their fanbase.

That isn't to say they should bend to the vocal minority of the IWC. It is fine to go against the crowd, particularly the smark section. But when the entire 'Mania card is against not only the IWC, but the mainstream fanbase, that's when problems set in.

Reigns winning was acceptable, they've invested in him and he has a big following with the wider fanbase. That result was always going to happen. But when the rest of the card is also against the will of the crowd, that's where 'Mania 32 really came off badly.

Things like Sasha not winning, the overlooking of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn when Zack Ryder won, Jericho topping Styles, and Rock's burial of The Wyatt Family... there were a lot of things beyond Roman Reigns that were out of touch with what fans wanted to see.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.