10 Lessons WWE Must Learn From WrestleMania 32

9. Less Is More

league of nations Wrestlemania

WrestleMania 32 ended up being a twelve match card held across the pre-show and main broadcast. Compare that to the excellent WrestleMania 31, which was a nine match card across its pre-show and main show.

But the real issue is the fact that WWE crammed so many wrestlers across 'Mania 32's matches. Multi-person matches are fine when balanced out, but this was far from a balanced card.

The reason for so many wrestlers on the card was to make sure everyone had a payday and got their 'WrestleMania moment'. But that's a horrible way of booking, since wrestlers should only feature based on merit, not just because.

Next year they should focus on quality over quantity when it comes to booking wrestlers. That way the results will be more meaningful, creating a grander WrestleMania legacy.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.