10 Life Lessons From The Rock Every Man Must Follow

5. "The Rock's Gonna Take Your Monkey Ass Down To The Corner Of Know Your Role Boulevard And Jabroni Drive And Check You In To The Smackdown Hotel!" - Travel The World, Broaden Your Mind

Rock loves to travel. He has been all over the world as WWE Champion, main eventing in shows from Miami to Melbourne. More recently, Dwayne Johnson has spent time in Budapest, Hungary and London, England as he shoots new movies including Hercules. Such cultural experiences and appreciation of different peoples is good for the soul, it makes Rock a more understanding and well rounded person. In becoming a better person you must follow in Rock's footsteps and visit new places in the world. Knowledge is the key to unlocking new opportunities. Intelligence can help you progress both at work and in your personal life. Only by experiencing new things can you truly learn. When it comes to travelling, you probably can't travel the world as WWE champion. But you could travel the world as a wrestling fan, and the recently on sale tickets for Wrestlemania 30 in New Orleans could be an excellent place to start your cultural discovery.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.