10 Life Lessons From The Rock Every Man Must Follow

6. "Do You Want To Go One On One With The Great One" - Be Confident With The Opposite Sex

The Rock Scorpion King Rock gets the girls in the Hollywood films, and is always game for a flirt with ring announcer Lilian Garcia when returning to WWE. Rock's trademark line, "Do you want to go one on one with the great one..." sums up the attitude you should be taking when flirting with the girl of your choice. You have confidence in yourself, you are the great one - she is the one who should be nervous. Going One on One with you is a privilege. A bit of charismatic ego certainly never hurt The Rock. Go into situations with the opposite sex with an attitude in which you fully believe in yourself. Of course the reality is probably very different from Dwayne. You probably don't have a nice Samoan skin tone, you probably aren't ripped in muscles and you probably can't match his smile. But forget that. Just think like The Rock - and remember, even Daniel Bryan managed to get with a Bella twin. Confidence is everything when it comes to the opposite sex.
WWE Writer

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