10 Live Observations From Attending WWE Raw In Minneapolis
10. Random Observations
Walking into the arena, you could see a row of semi trucks lined up outside. One of those trucks for Raw still has the face of AJ Lee on it. Is it uh...too expensive to put new decals on those every other year or something?
During the dark match, former ROH wrestler (current WWE employee) Jimmy Jacobs was walking around in the front row dressed up in a suit and tie talking to some of the personnel at ringside. Enough of that nonsense. Put that man in the ring in NXT!
Canadian indy wrestler “Hot Shot” Danny Duggan, who often competes in the Midwest scene, was one of the security personnel who tried unsuccessfully to split up Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins at the end of the night. Wisconsin native Thomas Walton III (who also once played a background role in a Hornswoggle sketch) played security as well. Seeing those two was probably my biggest mark out moment of the show.
WWE should ditch the purple ropes for the Cruiserweight matches. For one, they add absolutely nothing to the match. Second of all, they take a long time to set up! They take an entire commercial break and then some to be put in place. As T.J. Perkins was introduced on commentary, there were still a dozen or so stagehands feverishly working to set up the ropes. If something goes wrong in that short amount of time, they’d look a bit silly. It doesn't seem worth the risk.