10 Live Observations From WWE Glasgow

7. Bo Dallas Hates Glasgow

Xavier Woods Glasgow 2016

The Social Outcasts are a great jobber tag team in that they are able to put over other talent but still have personalities in the process, and they proved how good they are at doing this in Glasgow.

Heath Slater and Bo Dallas were the duo that made it onto our leg of the tour and they seemed to be having a lot of fun on what was the last night of the tour for them before heading back to the States. Bo grabbed the microphone and seemed to relish the boos and loud response from the Scottish crowd.

As always, Dallas lulled some of the kids into a false sense of security by being nice to them before saying that he "hates this stinking city" While adults seemed to roll their eyes at the insult, the children in our section were shouting at Bo about how much they despised him so it seemed to work!

The Outcasts stood in the ring awaiting their opponents as the music of Darren Young hit, much to our surprise. I'd forgotten Young was even on the roster but, to his credit, he did everything he could to get the crowd amped up and then signalled to the back for his tag team partner, none other than Zack Ryder.

The Long Island Iced Z got a huge reaction and Young & Ryder defeated Heath and Bo, much to the delight of the Glasgow crowd.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.