10 Lockdown Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

9. Curt Stallion

Jeet Rama WWE

Curt Stallion either sounds like a would-be WWF midcarder from 1986, or an actor who specialises in erm...certain movies. You might also be sitting there thinking his name is the kind a 12-year-old boy would come up with when making his own Universe Mode roster of CAWs in 2K24. All answers are valid, but one thing's fair to say.

Most won't recall Stallion at all.

He joined WWE in mid-2020 and was instantly sent off to the PC for seasoning. Pre-signing, Curt had actually worked a heavy schedule across pretty much every independent promotion in North America you can think of. Stallion caught WWE's eye during his time in Evolve though, and the company fancied giving him a shot.

Curt wrestled 17 matches for the market leader. Most of them fell on old Cruiserweight brand 205 Live, but he did also lose a Cruiser Title bout to Santos Escobar on the 3 February 2021 episode of NXT. That was his biggest moment on WWE's books before being let go that June; he popped up a few times on AEW's lower-tier shows in 2021.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.