10 Lockdown Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

2. Dabba-Kato

Jeet Rama WWE

That's precisely what Shane McMahon-led man mountain Dabba-Kato was there to do during the shortlived "Raw Underground" segments between 3 August-21 September 2020. WWE ran their own version of Fight Club, with the only rule ironically being that nobody talked about Raw Underground (after a week or two).

Kato got to smash some fools and grunt a lot. Then, an even bigger beast came along and ended his run. Braun Strowman vanquished Dabba right before Underground was binned, and it'd be a while before Kato was on TV again; he'd go on to become Commander Azeez and link up with Apollo Crews.

How's that for a gimmick change?

Only the most hardcore of fans will recall Dabba-Kato becoming Shane O-Mac's unstoppable mauler on the recurring fight ring segment. It seemed to be over just as quickly as it had started. A bunch of extras throwing hands was not going to pop big ratings in 2020. It didn't matter how excited or sweaty McMahon got.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.