10 Longest Gaps Between World Title Reigns In WWE History

9. Triple H - 6 Years 11 Months 10 Days

The Miz title reigns

Not to be outdone by his best buddy, The Game beat HBK's stat by almost two years.

Triple H's most recent championship reign came in 2016, when he unseated Roman Reigns by winning that year's Royal Rumble. Prior to this, Triple H's last WWE Championship victory came in at No Way Out 2009. This is the night where Edge famously lost the WWE title in one match and then won the World Heavyweight Championship in another.

Triple H was the man to take the title from Edge and would hold the gold through WrestleMania (and a very boring main event with Randy Orton) before finally dropping the championship to The Viper at Backlash.

For a man who gets a lot of criticism for clogging up the main event, this may seem like a shocking statistic. Seven years away from the world title is long, especially considering Trips was a major player in WWE for that entire time. However, it's important to note that this coincides with The Game taking up more responsibility backstage.

Say what you want about Triple H, but this proves that he knows when to step away from the ring when it's "best for business".

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The Miz
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.