10 Longest Gaps Between World Title Reigns In WWE History

8. Hulk Hogan - 9 years 0 months 18 days

The Miz title reigns

Many thought that Hulk Hogan would never return to the WWF after he jumped ship in 1993.

The Hulkster left the company he had helped turn into a global powerhouse and joined with their biggest competitors. Eight years down the line and WCW was out of business.

After a brief stint with the XWF (the less said about that the better) and Hogan remembered why he got into the wrestling business in the first place - to make money. Alongside Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, Hogan returned to the WWF in early 2002.

Despite playing the heelish leader of the NWO, Hogan was received like a hero. This reached its pinnacle at WrestleMania X-8 during his classic match against The Rock. Off the back of this runaway success, Vince decided to strap the rocket to a 48-year-old Hogan and he won the Undisputed Championship the very next month.

Almost nine years to the day after he beat Yokozuna at WrestleMania IX, Hogan was champion once more.

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The Miz
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.