10 Longest Reigning United States Champions Ever

1. Lex Luger (523 Days)

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In total, Lex Luger held the United States Title 5 different times across multiple stays in the NWA and WCW.

Some of his runs with the belt were shorter, including tenures of 76 days in 1989 and even a single day in 1998. By far, his run from May 22, 1989-October 27, 1990 was the longest.

After beating Barry Windham to win the title at 1989's Chi-Town Rumble, Luger dropped it to Michael Hayes just months later on May 7 of that same year.

Hayes would only hold it for 15 days, before losing the gold back to Lex on May 22. That would kick start an unbelievable run as champion, one lasting for an eye-opening 523 days.

When Stan Hansen finally beat Luger at the Halloween Havoc pay-per-view in late-1990, there was a stunned silence over the crowd. Hansen had spent much of his career being a top name in Japan, but he had been booked to topple the musclebound Luger.

Still, that defeat can't take away from what is still the longest single United States Title reign in history. There's a very good chance it will never be beaten.

What other lengthy United States Title reigns do you know of? Which ones were your favourite? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!

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Lex Luger
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