10 Longest Tenured TNA Stars

6. Kurt Angle - 8 Years, 1 Month

Kurt Angle is a man who can legitimately claim to have done it all in professional wrestling. He€™s a one-time Olympic gold medalist who transitioned into a successful pro wrestling career, he went on to win every WWE Championship he was eligible for and then jumped to TNA where he became a five time TNA World Heavyweight Champion. In 2006, Kurt Angle was granted a release from his WWE contract in order to take time out and focus on his health, but instead signed with TNA almost immediately. This was very controversial at the time, and seen by many as a slap in the face to Vince McMahon whose only crime was caring for the well-being of one of his top talents. Angle€™s career in TNA has been impressive, but plagued with injuries and rumours that he€™s in no condition to wrestle. Photos from last year€™s European tour feature Angle confined to a wheelchair during a meet-and-greet looking incredibly worn out and in obvious pain. He recently re-signed with TNA amid rumours he was trying to get back to WWE, but they wouldn€™t take him. TNA have drawn criticism over their use of Kurt Angle as an active wrestler, with many thinking they don€™t care about his health, but the only ones who truly know how beat up he is are the higher-ups of TNA management, and Kurt Angle himself.

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