10 Ludicrous Pro Wrestling Quirks

10. Constant Near Falls

Ok, so near falls are 100% necessary to the basic premise of a professional wrestling match. After all, the main aim for each competitor - if we're suspending disbelief enough to believe each bout is a legitimate struggle - is to pin their opponent's shoulders to the mat for the count of three. With that in mind, the idea can become quite diluted when the concept of the near fall is treated like a necessary evil by the people working each bout. Watching the opening minutes of most basic wrestling matches, it becomes clear that the wrestlers feel they absolutely must throw in at least a couple of near falls, even though it's obvious the end of the match is nowhere in sight. On one hand, it makes sense that each grappler would want to try and pull a fast one on their opponent, but why would each wrestler, who isn't even nearly tired or battered, wait until the count of two to kick out every time? Near falls can be fantastic devices when fans truly believe the end is nigh, only for one wrestler to pull his shoulder up off the mat, but they look a little silly when used as a transitional move from one spot to the next.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.