10 Ludicrous Pro Wrestling Quirks

9. The Hot Tag Makes A Wrestler Temporarily Invincible

Similar to the previous entry, the hot tag is an excellent addition to any well-worked tag-team bout, and can really up the excitement level if the crowd is bursting to see the rested babyface tear into the ring and plough through his/her opponents with reckless abandon. Sadly, the advent of the hot tag is sorely over-used, and actually takes place in almost every tag bout around. Another confusing point is that the wrestler entering the ring becomes temporarily invincible, like they've been eating from a bag of Super Mario-like gold stars whilst waiting on the apron. The heels take turns working over the face in peril, before one of them makes a mistake, or the babyface creates an opening just long enough to tag in his partner, who comes in a house of fire. At this point, the previously dominating heels retreat like scared children, seemingly unable to hurt or injure their slightly-fresher rival. It's all highly dramatic, but has become over-used to the point that fans rarely respond in kind, and it's a case of the crowd going mild, rather than wild, more often than not.
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Triple H
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.