10 Main Event Wrestlers Who Were Paid SIGNIFICANTLY More Than Their Opponents

5. CM Punk Doesn’t Care About Wrestling Undertaker At WrestleMania But Cares About His Pay

CM Punk Undertaker

In the lead-up to WrestleMania 29 CM Punk was in a rotten mood. He had become sour on WWE, with him believing his work all-around over the last year with his 434-day reign as WWE Champion earned him a spot in the main event of WrestleMania 29 with John Cena and The Rock. When WWE didn’t choose to go in that direction Punk got hot and had a chip on his shoulder from that point on.

Punk claimed on the Art of Wrestling podcast in an explicit rant that he complained to the office about his WrestleMania 29 pay, claiming he had the best match by far on the show with Undertaker and should be compensated accordingly.

He stated Undertaker along with Brock Lesnar, Triple H, John Cena and The Rock earned vastly more than him for the event, even though Punk claims “They in my opinion, for lack of a better phrase, couldn't f**** lace my boots that night.” Punk was irate about not being paid equally, with it escalating to a huge screaming match with Vince McMahon over it backstage and was one of the many reasons that ultimately led to Punk’s departure from the WWE the following year.


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