10 Major Flaws In Current WWE Stars (And How To Fix Them)

2. Roman Reigns

roman reigns

Flaw: This writer refuses to agree with any criticism of Roman Reigns bell-to-bell. Not only is he more of a workhorse than some give him credit for being, Reigns also works well with all shapes and sizes. Matches against AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar have been enjoyable because of how different they are, and not many can boast that adaptability.

Sadly, it all falls down for Reigns due to the way he's depicted on TV as WWE's resident super-hero babyface who can do no wrong. The fans don't buy it, a large portion are irked by the presentation and it undermines Roman's hard work when he's booed so heavily because of WWE's own stubbornness.

Reigns, as a character, simply isn't likeable.

Solution: You surely knew this was coming: WWE must turn that man heel and let him breathe for once instead of forcing him awkwardly down fan throats against their will.

The straight-talking promos Reigns cut against Brock Lesnar pre-WrestleMania 34 were sterling examples of simplicity beating out tightly-scripted lines that further alienate Roman from an audience who once didn't harbour hatred towards him.

As a heel, Reigns wouldn't need to be likeable. That's the key. He could relax and so could the folks who pen his performances.

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Roman Reigns
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.