10 Major Revelations From CM Punk vs WWE Doctor Trial

5. Dr Amann’s Lawyer Made Mistakes

Chris Amann Wwe Doctor

A number of the notes from the trial detail basic mistakes being make by Dr Amann’s lawyer during the course of cross examination. These are from Wrestlezone's Ross Burnam.

“AJ is presented with a text exchange that neither her, nor the defense recognizes as introduced. Counsel asked AJ if she recognized the exchange, to which she replied “This says Zack Ryder.” It is quickly understood that the wrong text messages have been presented. Amman’s lawyer corrects the error and presents the correct text exchange”

Amann’s attorney actually does the above four times in the space of a few minutes, as well as reading from the wrong deposition and repeatedly getting in a muddle over their own words.

This might not sound much on the face of it, but with many people asking how on earth Dr Amann thought that he could pursue Punk and Cabana for damages totalling in the millions - after one of them said he was bad at a job he subsequently didn’t even lose - it might suggest he was poorly advised from a legal perspective.

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