10 Major WWE Superstars That Hated Ric Flair

9. The Iron Sheik

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbKddgNpFok The Iron Sheik is a little bit like a hormonal teenager with a crush, when it comes to Ric Flair. Often he€™s very complimentary about the Nature Boy and has even praised him for his in-ring ability and mic skills. Yet, on other days he will claim that The Sixty Minute Man is an extremely limited individual that cannot do much beyond making his signature €˜Woo!€™ sound. At least The Sheik is consistent regarding his hatred for Hogan. Sometimes it is very hard to define if The Iron Sheik€™s hostility towards certain individuals, are true feelings of loathing, or whether we're merely watching an old has-been desperately hoping to be noticed. Another plausible argument is that the former WWE wrestler just doesn't have any kind of filter when controlling the content that travels from his mind through to his mouth. The linked video mostly consists of a drunk Iron Sheik alongside The Honky Tonk Man, as they take it in turns to moon at the camera and label Flair €˜a no good son of a b*tch€™ with seemingly very little substance. I would advise against watching the video moments before any meal.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.