10 Major WWE Superstars That Hated Ric Flair

8. Diamond Dallas Page

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xqe0en_ric-flair-vs-diamond-dallas-page_sport DDP has frequently emphasised the level of stress the rookie talent in WCW were made to go through, insisting that Flair€™s ego was a particular problem for many wrestlers backstage. Diamond Dallas Page has claimed that Flair was jealous of him and would do everything within his power to hold €˜The People€™s Champion€™ back. DDP believes that if he wasn€™t able to build such a strong rapport with the crowd early on, he may never have been given the chance he deserved. Flair made it clear that the feeling was mutual when he notably criticised Diamond Dallas Page, as well as many others, in his 2004 autobiography. After continuously being pressed to address The Nature Boy€™s comments by both the media and fans, DDP posted his response on his personal website, with this very tongue-in-cheek reply, €œsomeone told me what he wrote about me, Diamond Dallas Page, in his book€ If I am not mistaken he also buried Mick Foley and Bret Hart, so I guess I am in pretty good company.€ DDP may have been given a tough ride in WCW, but Flair nor anybody else with creative power could prevent The Original People€™s Champion from becoming a firm fans favourite, and winning the WCW World Heavyweight title on three separate occasions. Nope, WCW was a breeze. It€™s the WWE stalker storylines that you need to be weary of, Diamond.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.