10 Major WWE Superstars That Hated Ric Flair

6. Kevin Nash

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBgfC-jFaJQ In the latter years of WCW, the company seemed to heap far more importance on avoiding upsetting the already pampered, loud-mouthed big egos than developing promising talent; hence why Jericho and Guerrero ended up in the WWE and Kevin Nash was the man chosen to end Goldberg€™s 173 match undefeated streak. In terms of political power, Flair and Nash were allegedly amongst the most demanding and regularly clashed on who would get their own way. It has now been thirteen years since the demise of WCW and yet, the pair still continue to throw verbal shots at each other through the media. During his appearance on Legends of Wrestling, Flair completely trashed Diesel€™s wrestling ability, stating €œKevin Nash€™s claim to fame is playing basketball in Tennessee, though I never saw him play; and coming in this business as a bouncer from a club. Good physique, good look. Just on the record, zero talent. Right place, right time; zero in the ring.€ Nash responded by claiming that Flair was in €˜dire financial straits€™ and then went on to mock how costly his €˜35 divorces€™ must be. Within the interview, Big Daddy Cool also did the unthinkable and destroyed every wrestling fans dream by confirming that it is all scripted. He ended the interview by saying €œYou might be a 15 time, or 18 time world champion, Ric. But it€™s fake. You never beat anybody.€ So thanks to Diesel, that conversation you have with every non-wrestling fan will now have to go as follows: €œI like wrestling.€ €œYou do realise it€™s fake, right?€ €œYep, sadly Nash confirmed it.€

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.