10 Mansions Where Wrestling's Biggest Superstars Live

6. Triple H/Stephanie McMahon

Triple H Stephanie McMahon House

Triple H and Stephanie's place had to be filmed from the air due to fears of being shot up close by their array of turrets.

Not really: their family home is actually more reserved than you might imagine. It's massive, of course, but aside from the external swimming pool there's nothing particularly lavish about casa Levesque-McMahon on the outside; though a gated driveway might count as swanky, it's hardly shocking that Trips and Steph would want to keep their home life away from the public.

The couple live in the small town of Weston, Connecticut (just down the road from Vince McMahon) with their three daughters, and whilst the house doesn't appear excessive, it's certainly luxurious inside. Kitted out with another swimming pool, a top-class gymnasium and other amenities like a sauna, the house also has six bedrooms.

They must be expecting more children. Just a guess.

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