10 Mansions Where Wrestling's Biggest Superstars Live

5. The Undertaker

The Undertaker House

Admit it: this wasn't what you were expecting.

As much as it's disappointing that The Undertaker doesn't live in a gothic mansion befitting his on screen character and history, his house is still pretty damn impressive in terms of scale. The pictured estate, located in Hacienda Ridge, Austin, Texas, includes a ton of land, and there are around six bedrooms inside the property (not quite enough for each of his WrestleMania victims).

'Taker and his wife, ex-WWE star Michelle McCool, remain actively involved in purchasing real estate on the side and still own several other properties across the United States. Before settling in Hacienda Ridge, The Undertaker also lived in a ranch he owns next to Cedar Creek. It's said that he once rented out that particular residence to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

We like your current haunt, Deadman, but we can't help thinking that the one you sold to Big Show in Florida is a bit better. Or perhaps one belonging to a family named 'Addams'.

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