10 Matches WWE Has To Make For Survivor Series 2019

1. Tommaso Ciampa Vs. Roman Reigns

Survivor Series Ciampa Roman Reigns

The golden boys of their respective brands going head-to-head to see who rules the roost is better than any elimination match you could make because it's something many fans (myself included) never before thought possible.

In all likelihood, if Ciampa gets called up to the main roster he will be as mismanaged as Aleister Black, as badly booked as Finn Bálor, and as overlooked as Shorty G, but just imagine if he was booked in this match as an equal to Reigns whilst they are both white hot?!

The problem we always used to have with 'The Big Dog' is that he is clearly a talented wrestler, but one consistently let down by the booking. What a wonderful resolution it would be therefore, if just over a year after his devastating leukemia announcement he was able to put on a match of the year candidate alongside a man who has had his own setbacks throughout this year in Tommaso Ciampa?

Who wins? Who cares?! Just GIVE IT TO ME.

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Lanky, specky, ginger bloke who loves all things wrestling, football and quiz related. The man who invented the #BloodyGoodQuiz.