10 Mistakes WWE Has Already Made With RETRIBUTION

8. Not A Single Squash Match


Squash matches can be quite divisive among the online wrestling community. Used correctly, squash matches can create a star in one two-minute segment. Look at Karrion Cross in NXT. He destroyed Ciampa and then went straight into the NXT title picture. This was the kind of elevation that RETRIBUTION needed when debuting.

There are some great talents in RETRIBUTION, all of whom could have had a fantastic squash match. Dominik Dijakovic, Mia Yim or even Shane Thorne. That's three members who all have a fantastic move-set and deserve to be showcased on a singles level.

Having T-Bar (Dijakovic) come out and absolutely destroy someone at the beginning of RAW would make a statement. It would show that this group is to be taken seriously. T-Bar hitting the Feast Your Eyes, which alone is a terrific move, and them immediately winning his first match would add credibility to his character. A simple brawl doesn't do enough to establish the team. A few squash matches would work wonders in improving the faction's in-ring prowess.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.