10 Mistakes WWE Is Repeating With The Current Brand Split
4. Split Pay-Per-Views

Not only has WWE added more championships to their organisation like they did back in the early-2000s, they've also added pay-per-views. No longer will there be one PPV, or special event, per month. For the remainder of the year, and likely into 2017, each month will present 2 separate WWE special events. The exception will be the four months out of the year that feature the Royal Rumble, WrestleMania, SummerSlam and Survivor Series.
Remember the blockbuster events that were Breaking Point, Bragging Rights, Cyber Sunday, or WWE's Great American Bash? No? That's because traditionally their buyrates were abysmal. They were so poor, so consistently that WWE tried to scrub away any negative association with these shows by dropping these event names in favor of something else.
Like with Monday Night SmackDown and double-digit championships, WWE has not learned their lesson when it comes to over-saturating the pay-per-view market. Even though WWE's pay-per-view model is dead, replaced with the WWE Network model in which subscribers are paramount, the company should not be expecting much success from brand-specific supershows.
It didn't work in 2003 and it's not going to work in 2016.