10 Mistruths You Should Stop Believing About Wrestling

1. It Doesn't Hurt

Right off the bat, wrestling hurts. It's really that simple, there's no getting around it - there's a reason WWE always run those 'Don't Try This At Home' segments, it's not because they want to appear big and macho, it's because regular people would brain themselves by attempting to mimic what they see on-screen. Non-wrestling fans seem to think the wrestling ring is like a glorified bouncy castle, one that completely absorbs the impact of the men and women working inside it, but that's not really the case. Sure, there is some spring to the mat, but it's still pretty hard, especially near the corners, which means human bodies are still bouncing hard off of it on a nightly basis. It takes a pretty special kind of person to put up with that kind of abuse on a regular basis, and pro wrestlers are special people. They're flesh and blood, just like everyone else, but there's an iron will that runs just beneath the surface, and they don't get nearly enough credit for what they put their physical frame through to entertain people. Attend a wrestling training session, and you'll watch wrestling in an entirely different way. What other common beliefs do you feel non-wrestling fans get wrong about the industry? What do you think of the items listed here? Let us know down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.