10 MMA Maneuvers Wrestlers Should Use More Often

7. Dim Mak

Punk Lesnar Mma
WWE Network

Known as 'The Death Touch,' Dim Mak consists of a fighter ramping up all of their energy into their hand or finger. From there, with a single touch, their opponent is rendered comatose.

Despite being associated with martial arts, Dim Mak is actually 100% horsesh*t.

The myth gained popularity when certain "masters" convinced (some argue brainwashed) their students and peers into thinking they'd been knocked into next month upon receiving a simple blow to a pressure point. However, this article is about rasslin'. Whether a move inflicts severe damage or not hardly matters.

Coming from a larger superstar, the move has the potential to be a knock-out finisher. Or while still scoffing, fans could begrudgingly accept it as a finisher. The closest thing to 'The Death Punch' in recent years has been John Cena's Lightning Fist, which he claimed was influenced by Jackie Chan and his stunt team.

Given that Cena's usage of the energetic punch came off as hokey, the move may still be stigmatized, especially since the days of Big Show's Knockout Punch and the dreaded 'Finger Poke of Doom.' But that's not to say the maneuver couldn't work. Given to a more comical powerhouse, such as Big E, Dim Mak has the potential to become a welcomed signature move.

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