10 Modern WWE Face Turns That Were Poorly Handled

6. Sheamus (2011)

For as underrated as an in-ring performer as he's always been, Sheamus has struggled to be accepted in any role he's played. His initial character of a mononym'd Celtic brawler that took pleasure in hurting people was fine, even if he'd soon be plagued by Triple H and John Cena making him look like an amateur hour goon with transparent skin. The face turn was worse, because now Sheamus was trying to be a comedian. He'd confront heels, smile like he'd been medicated, recite badly-written jokes and other assorted dialogue, and then Brogue Kick the poor sap, sometimes without provocation. Basically, Sheamus was Bugs Bunny in a fright wig. Instead of selling him on his willpower and his brawling skills (a Game of Thrones-esque character may have worked), he became the first casualty of 'Cenaclonea', where creative kills a wrestler by trying to make him just like 'Big Match John'.
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Justin has been a wrestling fan since 1989, and has been writing about it since 2009. Since 2014, Justin has been a features writer and interviewer for Fighting Spirit Magazine. Justin also writes for History of Wrestling, and is a contributing author to James Dixon's Titan series.