10 Moments That Made Sasha Banks WWE's MVP

The reborn Mercedes Moné should be a WWE Hall Of Famer someday. Here's why!

Sasha Banks WWE SmackDown Title

223 days.

That's how much time stood between Sasha Banks walking out before the 16 May 2022 episode of WWE Raw and debuting at New Japan's Wrestle Kingdom 17 on 4 January 2023. Now, Banks goes by the name Mercedes Moné, and the entire biz is buzzing to see what she's capable of this year.

Sasha's bitter end shouldn't detract from a lifetime's worth of cracking moments in WWE though. As the 'Legit Boss', she won countless titles, experienced numerous firsts and enjoyed stunning stints as both heel and babyface. Banks was also one of the first breakout female stars to come from NXT, and she surely looks back fondly on her time under Vince McMahon despite giving his booking the finger before negotiating her release.

Sure, there were some bad times for the rebranded 'CEO' under WWE's umbrella, but the good times are worth examining. Do so, and you'll find out just how much of an impact Sasha Banks made during her 10-year stay in the promotion.

Think she didn't quite do enough to merit WWE Hall Of Fame induction someday? Think again.

Here's all the proof Triple H needs.

10. NXT TakeOver: Respect

Sasha Banks WWE SmackDown Title

NXT old-schoolers remember.

Bayley vs. Sasha Banks at NXT TakeOver: Respect in October 2015 was the first women's match to headline one of those specials. It was also WWE's first 'Iron Woman' bout, and became the longest female match in company history up until that point as soon as it finished.

The real-life pals left a legacy behind them with one scorcher of a clash, and it'd set them up nicely for even bigger things to come on the main roster. Back then, it felt like a sea change for women's wrestling in Vince McMahon promotion - that feeling would only heighten over the next 12 months or so.

Of course, like every moment here, Sasha shared the stage with somebody else. Still, that shouldn't take away from her own workload, or the incredible poise she showed for somebody who was just over five years into her pro career.

This remains must-see stuff even if you watched it live.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.