10 Moments Wrestlers NEVER Recovered From

9. Rick Bognar Is “Razor Ramon”

Keith Lee Bearcat WWE

It may seem strange to fans who only know the man for guff cosplay, but 'Big Titan' Rick Bognar did have value in the mid-1990s. He'd enjoyed a decent run in Japan and popped up on ECW's radar, then the WWF came calling in late '96. In retrospect, Bognar probs wished they hadn't bothered.

'Hey No' instead of 'Hey Yo' might've been the answer if he knew what was waiting.

On the 23 September 1996 edition of Raw, Rick was drafted in to play the ‘Fake’ Razor Ramon, and it was a disaster. The gimmick also immediately neutered JR’s promising heel turn, made Bognar look like a joke, and fans hated it all anyway. Mercifully, at least Vince McMahon cut it short.

Bognar’s final televised WWF match was a short spot in the 1997 Royal Rumble. The fed binned him after it (aside from one house show appearance in February), and that was that. Rick's once-fledgling career was never at pre-"Razor" levels again.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.