10 Moments Wrestlers NEVER Recovered From

2. Bret Hart Leaves The WWF

Keith Lee Bearcat WWE

Fun fact: Wrestling writers get a kickback from the Canadian government any time they mention the 'Montreal Screwjob'. OK, obviously not, but it has become one of the biz's most overanalysed topics since 1997, and that may never change. Regardless, it's definitely valid for a list like this.

Leaving the WWF generally changed Bret Hart forever.

He was never the same in WCW. The 'Hitman' was visibly disinterested in being there, and the fire that burned within him to be the best pro in the industry had gone out. It'd be genuinely hard to pinpoint more than a handful of good-to-great matches Bret had under the WCW banner - his heart had been ripped out, so to speak.

Health issues then plagued the legend from late-1999 onwards. By the time he was ready to forgive Vince McMahon, Shawn Michaels and everyone else connected to Montreal, Hart was a shadow of his former self. The way his career fizzled out will always frustrate this lifelong fan.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.