10 Moments Wrestlers NEVER Recovered From

3. Dr. Death Loses In ‘Brawl For All’

Keith Lee Bearcat WWE

Reportedly, the WWF had high hopes that Steve Williams would become heel foil for top star 'Stone Cold' in either late-1998 or into 1999. Their plan? Have 'Dr. Death' maul the competition in a special toughman tournament called 'Brawl For All'. The whole tourney was going to be a shoot, but known hard nut Williams would surely triumph.

He was knocked out by Bart Gunn early on.

All plans to have Death challenge Steve Austin were scrapped instantly, and his reputation was left in tatters. Furious (even though it was their fault; the WWF set Williams up for failure), the promotion also dumped eventual winner Bart following his loss to Butterbean at WrestleMania XV.

In short, 'Brawl For All' had been a ridiculous idea that didn't even have any payoff anyway. Somehow, federation top brass forgot that bringing Death in and having him win carefully laid-out squashes would be pro wrestling 101.

100% better than having him fight for real then get humbled.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.