10 More Before They Were Famous WWE Cameos

8. Tye Dillinger

The real question is why there are so many members of the WWE production crew aimlessly walking around backstage with a headset and a get-up that suggests they should probably be closer to the front of the arena ushering guests in and out.

But that's a matter for another time. In the above clip, it's Tye Dillinger cast in the role of "Stan", the guy who Shawn Michaels - in an attempt to prove just how controversial he was - kicked squarely in the chin, simply because he was standing there and, really, why not?

If we were going to be really unoriginal, this is where we'd describe the kick as a "perfect 10", but since that joke has already been used by literally hundreds of YouTube commenters, we won't.

Instead, let's marvel at the fact that this segment was as long ago as 2006, and it's taken Dillinger more than a decade to finally make real his dreams of being a fully-fledged member of the WWE main roster (where, he may rest assured, his obvious talent will not go to waste).

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Triple H
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