10 More Before They Were Famous WWE Cameos

7. Cesaro And EC3

You can just about see the edges of security guard Cesaro's lips begin to curl into a half-smile as Triple H boasts that Stephanie McMahon - in front of her own brother - got married to the man with "the world's largest penis".

And, to be honest, that might well be the explanation we're all searching for as to why a guy with the all-round wrestling pedigree of the 36-year-old has been thus far unable to break through WWE's glass ceiling, settling instead for a place on an (albeit badass) aimless tag team with Sheamus.

By his side, with the sterner-looking face, is Ethan Carter III, aka EC3, aka the one from TNA who - with all the recent NXT signings - it's kind of incredible that he hasn't yet been offered a(nother) full-time deal in WWE's developmental territory.

Fans often accuse Triple H of burying younger talent, but this clip should hopefully bring that debate to a screeching halt - he never so much as looks piercingly (or at all) at either of them during the entire segment.

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Triple H
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