10 More Real-Life Wrestling Feuds You Totally Didn't Know About

6. Cora Jade Vs. Darby Allin

Eddie Kingston Cesaro

This happened rather recently, but both parties deleted their tweets. So, in other words, you might have totally missed the fact that NXT's Cora Jade and AEW star Darby Allin got salty with one another on social media; for reference, their insults stemmed from 2020's #SpeakingOut movement.

Indy worker Hawlee Cromwell had accused Allin of physical and sexual abuse during that.

Darby got things rolling by replying to a fan question on Twitter about wrestling Jade in a "skateboarding match". Instead of palming it off, Allin said: "Skating is a huge part of my life, not a fake character for TV lol". That caught Cora's attention, and she refused to stay quiet.

She shot back: "Being a good person with no abuse allegations against me is a huge part of my life and not just a character I play on TV". Both eventually thought better of it and deleted everything, but that could've got out of hand quickly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.